Dr. med. Antje Schulz - Workgroup For The Liver

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Dr. med. Antje Schulz

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Dr. med. Antje Schulz
Postdoctoral fellow
Curriculum vitae

Department of General, Visceral and Transplantation Surgery
Charité - University Hospital Berlin, Campus Virchow Klinikum

Augustenburger Platz 1, 13353 Berlin
- Germany

email:  antje.schulz@charite.de

Clinical focus

- Visceral surgery
Minimal-invasive surgery
- Transplantation surgery


Scientific focus

- Liver function tests
The course of liver regeneration (cytokine and growth factors)



H. Taubert, C. Heidenreich, H. J. Holzhausen, A. Schulz, M. Bache, M. Kappler, A. W. Eckert, P. Wurl, I. Melcher, K. Hauptmann, S. Hauptmann and K. D. Schaser
Expression of survivin detected by immunohistochemistry in the cytoplasm and in the nucleus is associated with prognosis of leiomyosarcoma and synovial sarcoma patients.

BMC Cancer 10 (1): 65

Schulz A, Disch AC, Melcher I, Haas NP, Schaser KD
Postoperative manifestation of acute compartment syndrome by previously unknown heterozygote sickle cell anaemia: A clinical case report.

Unfallchirurg. 2008 Dec;111(12):1021-4

Pflugmacher R, Schulz A, Schroeder RJ, Schaser KD, Klostermann CK, Melcher I.
A prospective two-year follow-up of thoracic and lumbar osteolytic vertebral fractures caused by multiple myeloma treated with balloon kyphoplasty.

Z Orthop Ihre Grenzgeb. 2007 Jan-Feb;145(1):39-47.

Schaser KD, Melcher I, Mittlmeier T, Schulz A, Seemann JH, Haas NP, Disch AC
Surgical management of vertebral column metastatic disease.

Unfallchirurg. 2007 Feb;110(2):137-162

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